Day 1
Improving rice productivity through cost effective practices
Rehman, A. (CIMMYTUSAID, 2015)
Increasing nutritious vegetable production with improved practices
Mansab, A. (CIMMYTAVRDC, 2015)
Innovations for enhanced livestock productivity
Wright, I.A. (CIMMYTUSAID, 2015)
Innovations in Rice R&D
Rickman, J.F. (CIMMYTUSAID, 2015)
Innovations in vegetables
Easdow, W. (CIMMYTAVRDC, 2015)
Perennial horticulture in Pakistan innovations and interventions
Ferguson, L. (CIMMYTUSAID, 2015)
Strengthening National Agricultural Research System through Competitive Grants System (CGS)
Masood, S. (CIMMYTUSAID, 2015)
Better lives through livestock : Targeting interventions to increase animal productivity and income
Ibrahim (CIMMYTUSAID, 2015)
Day 2
AIP Scholars Program
Rost, T.L. (CIMMYTUSAID, 2015)
Assessment and evaluation of agricultural technologies to improve farmers livelihood
Akhter, A. (CIMMYTUSAID, 2015)
Meeting information needs : building capacity and improving information access
Bell, M.; Davis, U.C.; Shabaz, B.; Afzal, A. (CIMMYTUSAID, 2015)
Closing wheat yield gaps in Pakistan : Learning from past initiatives & innovations
Clark, M. (CIMMYTUSAID, 2015)
Global trends, challenges and opportunities for maize : Lessons for Asia
Prasanna, B. M. (CIMMYT, 2015)
ICT Consultative Workshops : Findings and suggestions
Bell, M.A.; Shabaz, B. (CIMMYTUSAID, 2015)
AIP - Agronomy : Improving cereal systems productivity through better agronomy
Hussain, Imtiaz (CIMMYTUSAID, 2015)
AIP - Maize : Enhancing availability and affordability of maize seeds and varieties in Pakistan: A Public-Private Alliance for a Sustainable Maize Production
Rahman, A.; Issa, Beshir (CIMMYTUSAID, 2015)